
Brett and his team have delivered hours of wealth building training and resources, built to help you do more deals and become financially free.

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The greatest investment you can make is into yourself, increase your net worth through training and coaching.


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Market Center Training

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Brett has coached 5 of the top 10 agents
and teams in the country.

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We all want to strive to be wealthy. We want the freedom of the work we do, the freedom of how we do it, where we do it, and who we do it with. The freedom of choice. But to reach this goal we need a plan to get there, and most importantly, stay there. Learn to manage risk, increase privacy, and optimize your wealth the same way the Rockefeller’s did. Learn the foundation to gain wealth and keep it for generations to come.


To create significant wealth, we need a business that create revenue on a consistent basis. For me, I found that to be my real estate businesses. Today, we want to share what we learned of investing for over a decade of failure and overcoming obstacles. Learn how to bring in deals, evaluate them for maximum profit, and do this all on a consistent basis. The #1 way to find the best deals for your portfolio – make it a business.


Hard money has become one of my favorite businesses over the years. Using it as an unfair advantage in the real estate business, I have been able to create 12-20% returns on a consistent basis and often tax free. Lending through self-directed IRA’s and other tax advantaged accounts can be one of the most lucrative businesses that exist. Low noise, high returns, and the power of compound interest.

Member Testimonials

Join 1,000+ business professionals who are on the path to financial freedom.

Robert Gaines

What an amazing week in Austin attending the KW Wealth Workshop and Masterminds! So blessed to be in this room and learning from the best of the best when it comes to building wealth. Seller financing, cost segregation, tax credits, note buying, and so much more!!! If you are with KW, then you really need to talk to me. This company is has a goal to help create 100,000 Millionaires. Does your company have a goal like that??? So excited to bring this information and more back to my team and to my coaching clients around the country!!!

Rosemarie Burghard Pellati

Great to learn from Gary Keller and Brett Tanner, whom I considered to be amongst the brightest in investment real estate and building wealth. Impactful few days! #kwwealth #mastermind #learningisearning #legacy

Jennifer Reeder-Toomer Hay


Cost seg update success story:
My partner and I bought 8 doors between 2021 and 2022. Four single families in 2022 at roughly $60k each and one four plex in 2022 and $250k. Did not cost seg the first four the year we bought because we were sweet little dumb dumbs. Did cost seg all properties for 2022
Results: $74,500 depreciation on the four plex (thanks to bonus depreciation) $20,500 in the first four from 2021

Our accountant stopped and called tech support on the program and he used to input our data because he didn’t believe the number could be that high. Tech support informed it absolutely was correct. He told us how smart we were and we said no- we just went to kw wealth.

Lesson learned: do it the year you buy for sure. It’s ok. We are buying non stop so we won’t make that mistake again.

Lesson learned: Split the $95k and we each have $47,500 which will zero out any taxes owed and we basically just got all our down payment back.

We are BUYING!
Thank you Brett Tanner for teaching us so much!

Will Sawyer


May I share a win? I’m so happy I could cry. Lol
I finished up 2022 with a record year. Super super blessed to have helped the number of families I did and sell what I sold last year amidst the craziness.

I was anticipating owing a little north of 100k in taxes and have asked my CPA to give me a heads up on what he though I would owe before he sent me the number so I could be sitting down when he sent it to me. Lol

He sent me the figure last night, and I only owe a little over 50k…

I owe a lot to Brett and Dan Hamilton (my OP) for introducing me to US tax advisors who ran a modeling cost seg on my rental properties and saved me roughly 40k in taxes.

Brett has time and time again said taxes are your biggest expense and we need to focus on how to reduce that burden. That one thing I did decreased my tax burden by roughly 40%

Here’s to another great y’all.